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Delgado Gaitan, C. (2020- in press) Mexican Women’s Femicide and Changing the Laws. In R. Papa (Ed). Educational Leaders Without Border.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2018). Social Justice Determinsm Shapes School Policy: An Ethnographic Perspective. In R. Papa and S.W.J. Armfield (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Educational Policy. Medford, MA: Wiley Blackwell. PP 245-265.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2016). Foreward. In Papa, Rosemary, Eadens, Danielle W. (Eds.). Social Justice Instruction: Empowerment on the Chalkboard. New York: Springer.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2012) Culture, Literacy and Power in Family Community-School-Relationships: Applying Theory to Practice. Theory Into Practice.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2008) A Language for Healing. In Chabram-Dernersesian, A and de la Torre, A. (Eds.) Speaking from the Body: On Health and Culture. University of Arizona Press.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2007). Foreward to book. In Allen, JoBeth, Creating Welcoming Schools. New York: Teachers College Press. Pp. ix.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2005). Family narratives in multiple literacies. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. Vol. 36:3, pp.265-272.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2000). Incorporating diverse abilities in academia: Irreconcilable laws. In H. Trueba and L. Bartolome (Eds.), Immigrant Voices: In Search Of Pedagogical Reform. New York: Rowan and Littlefield. 167-186.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1997). Dismantling Borders. P. Peterson and A. Neumann. (Eds.), Research and Everyday Life: The Personal Origins of Educational Inquiry. New York: Teacher’s College Press, pp 37-52.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994) Spanish-Speaking families’ involvement in schools. In C. L. Fagnano & B. Z. Weber (Eds.), School, family and community interaction: A view from the firing lines (pp. 85-98). San Francisco: Westview Press.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994) Consejos: The Power of Cultural Narrative. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. Vol 25(3). 298-316.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994). Russian refugee families: Accommodating aspirations through education. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 25(2), 137-155.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (Winter, 1993). Researching change and changing the researcher. Harvard Educational Review 63(4), 389-411.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994). Socializing young children in immigrant and first generation Mexican families. In P. Greenfield and R. Cocking (Eds.), The development of minority children: Culture in and out of context. (pp.55-86) Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994). Parenting in two generations of Mexican-American families. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 16(3), 409-427.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1994) Toward the empowerment of families. In B. Ferdman, R.M. Weber & A. Ramirez (Eds.), Literacy across languages and cultures. (pp. 143-170). New York: SUNY Press.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1993) Research and policy in reconceptualizing family-school relationships. In P. Phelan and Ann Davidson (eds.), Cultural diversity and educational policy and change. New York: Teachers College Press. 139-159.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1992). School matters in the Mexican-American home: Socializing children to education. American Educational Research Journal. Vol. 29, No.3, 495-513.
Delgado Gaitan, C. and N Ruiz. (1992). Parent mentorship: Socializing children to school culture. Educational Foundations vol. 6 (2): 45-70.
Delgado Gaitan, C., & Allexsaht-Snider, M. (1992). Mediating school cultural knowledge for children: The parents' role. In J. H. Johnson & K. M. Borman (Eds.), Effective schooling of economically disadvantaged students: School based strategies for diverse student populations. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1991). Involving Parents in the Schools: A process of change for involving parents. American Journal of Educational. Vol. 100, (1): pp. 20-46.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1991). Commentary: Literacy in minority communities. The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. Vol 13 (1), 28-29.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1991). Relating experience and text: Socially constituted reading activity. In M. McGroaty and C. Faltis (Eds.), In the interest of language: Context for learning and using language. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter. 150-169.
Trueba, H., & Delgado-Gaitan, C. (1990). Minority achievement and parental support: Academic resocialization through mentoring. In S. Goldberg (Ed.), Readings on equal education. New York: Ams Press.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1990). Discussant's comments on Dropouts: Context and meaning. In H. Trueba & G. & L. Spindler (Eds.), What do anthropologists have to say about dropouts? (pp. 93-98). London: Falmer Press.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1989). Classroom literacy activity for Spanish-speaking students. Linguistics in Education: an International Research Journal, 1(3), 285-297.
Delgado Gaitan, C., & Segura , D. (1989). The social context of Chicana women's role in children's schooling. Educational Foundations, 3 (1), 71-92.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1988). The value of conformity: Learning to stay in school: An ethnographic study. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 19(4), 354-382.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1988). Sociocultural adjustment to school and academic achievement. Journal on Early Adolescence, 8(1), 63-82.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1987). Compassion and concern: Mentoring students through high school. Urban Education, 8, 93-102.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1987). Choices for schooling: An ethnographic perspective on the issue of dropouts. Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership, 7(1), 83-87.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1987). Traditions and transitions in the learning process of Mexican American children: An ethnographic view. In G. & L. Spindler (Eds.), Interpretive ethnography of education (pp. 332-362). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1987). Mexican parents' perceptions of school: Supportive environments for children. In H. Trueba (Ed.), Success or failure: Learning and the language minority student (pp. 131-155). New York: Harper & Row.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1987). Mexican adult literacy: New directions for immigrants. In S. Goldman & H. Trueba (Eds.), Becoming literate in English as a second language: Advances in research and theory (pp. 9-39). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1986). Mentoring students through the school system. California Public Forum I, 75-80.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1986). Teacher attitudes on diversity affecting student socio-academic responses: An ethnographic view. Journal on Adolescent Research, 1(1), 103-114.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1986). Adolescent peer influence and differential school performance. Journal on Adolescent Research, 1(4), 449-462.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1985). Preparing teachers in inter-ethnic communication: A response to equity. Equity and Choice Journal, 11(1), 53-65.
Delgado Gaitan, C., & Trueba, H. T. (1985). Dilemma in the socialization of Mexican American children: Sharing for cooperation or copying for competition. The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 7(3), 80-86.
Delgado Gaitan, C., & Trueba, H. T. (1985). Ethnographic study of participant structures in task completion: Reinterpretation of "handicaps" in Mexican culture. Learning Disability Quarterly, 8(1), 67-75.
Delgado Gaitan, C. (1986). Review of Reading Comprehension from Research to Practice by J. Orasano. Teacher College Record, 88 (2), 308.
Trueba, H. T., & Delgado Gaitan, C. (1985). Review of Chicano Discourse by R. Sanchez. Language in Society, 14(2).
Trueba, H. T., & Delgado Gaitan, C. (1984). Review of Studies on Immersion, California State Department of Education. Journal of International Education, 1(2), 225-227.